Photo: Bearded Brothers

Here’s the key with nutrition bars: use them as a healthy person’s fast food rather than a normal staple in your diet. Bars are tricky because it’s difficult to pack real foods into a little square that will last on a shelf for months. These 5 companies have done the best they could, but the bars still tend to be higher in sugar and lower in protein to call them a health food.

That being said, there are very few items as convenient and portable than a bar. Having a nutrition bar on hand may keep you from eating chips from the vending machine when you’re in a pinch. Grab one when you travel to avoid overpriced and unhealthy airport food. Eat a bar during a hectic morning when you would otherwise skip breakfast. Just don’t eat them to replace a real, balanced meal. Got it?

Lara Bar – One of the original bars made of just real fruit and nuts. Our favorite is the Cashew Cookie made of 2 things: cashews and dates.

Kit’s Organic – Same as above. Minimal ingredients and real food. Kit’s offers a fruit and nut bar as well as a fruit and seed bar.

Kind Bar – Kind Bars also offer mostly whole ingredients, and they can be found everywhere. They will absolutely be your best option at a gas station or convenience store. They also have a new “Strong” line which we’re into with flavors like Hickory Smoked & BBQ.

RxBar – These bars are the highest in protein we could find while still using real food. They get their protein from egg whites which is a new concept in this space. They’re a little tricky to find, but worth it when you do.

Bearded Brothers – These guys are native to Austin and are truly focused on creating healthy, delicious bars. They are the only bar on the list that contains vegetables; their most recent flavor is Orange Kale which actually contains kale and beets! We dare you to give it a go.

Are there any bars that you think should be on this list that are not? Please send them our way, and we’ll see if they make the cut.

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